There and Back Again: A Study Abroad Student’s Tale

“Do you miss studying abroad?” Munich? You bet! I miss it all: the U-Bahn, the Brezen, the gelato, walking through the city streets, hiking in the Alps, the coffee shops, hearing German spoken everywhere, and even living in my tiny little apartment in StuStadt, but most of all, I miss the people. I miss the … Continue reading There and Back Again: A Study Abroad Student’s Tale

First Lasts and Last Firsts

“What if this is my peak? What if this is the last yearbook I ever make?” It was Tuesday evening, and we were at the Burrito Company taking a quick dinner break from working on the yearbook. The Burrito Company has quickly become our staple food over the past few weeks. I’m not kidding; I … Continue reading First Lasts and Last Firsts